Technical Evaluation of Election Methods

An election method is a voting procedure and a set of mathematical rules for determining the winner(s). The best election method gives the electorate, to the maximum extent possible, the leaders they sincerely prefer, and it minimizes their need to vote strategically (e.g., for the "lesser of two evils"). The choice of an election method should not be based on subjective notions, nor should it be designed to advance any particular social, political or ideological agenda (other than fair elections, of course). It should be based, rather, on a set of strictly objective technical criteria. The criteria we choose are listed below, followed by a compliance table. Of those criteria, we consider monotonicity mandatory, and we consider compliance with Condorcet and other criteria highly desirable.

Table 1: Election method criteria compliance (X=complies)
Condorcet XXXXXX X?X
Approval X-----X XX
Cardinal X-----X XX
Plurality X------ -X
Borda X------ -X
IRV ------- --

The election methods considered here are far from a complete list of all methods that have ever been seriously proposed, but they are the methods we consider most important. We consider Condorcet the best choice, because it is the only method that complies with both the monotonicity and Condorcet criteria, as well as several others. We consider Approval a good second choice, with the advantage of extreme simplicity. Unlike Condorcet, Approval Voting has a realistic chance of being adopted in the near term. Cardinal Ratings are strategically equivalent to Approval but more difficult to implement, hence they are not worth pursuing.

Plurality is important only because it is the current election method. We consider Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) the worst choice, but it is important because it is currently popular among electoral reform organizations, unfortunately. IRV does have one point in its favor: it requires the same voting equipment and voting procedures (ranking candidates) as Condorcet voting, so it could possibly be a step toward Condorcet voting. Borda is not a serious contender but is included here because it is relatively well known.

Note that the Condorcet method has several possible variations for resolving cyclical ambiguities, but Table 1 applies to the SSD (Schwartz Sequential Dropping) method, which is explained elsewhere at this website.

Monotonicity Criterion (MC)

Statement of Criterion

With the relative order or rating of the other candidates unchanged, voting a candidate higher should never cause the candidate to lose, nor should voting a candidate lower ever cause the candidate to win.

Complying Methods

All the methods listed in the compliance table above are monotonic except Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).


In the ordinal methods (Condorcet, Borda, and IRV), a candidate is "voted higher" by being ranked higher. In Approval Voting, a candidate is "voted higher" by being "approved" rather than "disapproved." In a conventional plurality system, a candidate can be "voted higher" only by being voted for at all rather than not voted for.

Monotonicity is perhaps the most basic criterion for election methods. Common sense tells us that good election methods should be monotonic. Methods that fail to comply are erratic.

A simple example will prove that IRV is non-monotonic. Consider, for example, the following vote count with three candidates {A,B,C}:


In this example, eight voters ranked the candidates (A,C), five ranked them (B,A), and four ranked them (C,B). Candidate C was ranked first by the fewest voters and is eliminated. Since all the voters who ranked C first also ranked B second, B now has nine top-choice votes and wins.

Suppose, however, that two of the voters who had ranked A first reverse their first two preferences so their votes change from (A,C) to (C,A). Now the vote count is:


Candidate B is now ranked first by the fewest voters and is eliminated. Since the five voters who ranked B first also ranked A second, A now has eleven top-choice votes and wins. Hence, the two voters who demoted A from first to second choice caused A to win. That is, they caused A to win by ranking A lower, without changing the relative ordering of the other candidates. IRV therefore fails monotonicity.

For an even more bizarre example, consider the following vote count with four candidates {A,B,C,D}:


Applying the rules of IRV, candidate A wins. But suppose the three voters who voted (D,C,B) now promote A from last choice all the way up to first choice, without changing the relative order of the other candidates. Now B wins instead of A. So by promoting A from last to first choice, those voters caused A to lose instead of win. An election method that allows such nonsensical anomalies is erratic and should be rejected.

These are hardly contrived theoretical examples without practical relevance. IRV has serious problems both in theory and in practice. In practice, voters would soon realize, or be advised, that they cannot safely vote sincerely, and the political system would likely remain bogged down in a two-party duopoly just as it is today. And that is the optimistic scenario. If a third party somehow manages to become a strong contender, it could throw the entire political system into chaos, just as it could in our current plurality system. (See The Problem with IRV.)

Condorcet Criterion (CC)


A sincere vote is one with no falsified preferences or preferences left unspecified when the election method allows them to be specified (in addition to the preferences already specified).

One candidate is preferred over another candidate if, in a one-on-one competition, more voters prefer the first candidate than prefer the other candidate.

If one candidate is preferred over each of the other candidates, that candidate is the Ideal Democratic Winner (IDW).

Statement of Criterion

If all votes are sincere, the Ideal Democratic Winner should win if one exists.

Complying Methods

The Condorcet method complies with the Condorcet Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


The Condorcet criterion is one of the most basic criteria for election methods. When an Ideal Democratic Winner exists, common sense tells us that ideally he or she should win. However, the only method listed in Table 1 that complies with the Condorcet criterion is the Condorcet method itself, which is designed specifically to comply with the criterion named after it.

Non-ranking methods such as Plurality and Approval could not possibly comply with the Condorcet Criterion because they do not allow each voter to fully specify their preferences. But IRV allows each voter to rank the candidates, yet it still does not comply. A simple example will prove that IRV fails to comply with the Condorcet Criterion.

Consider, for example, the following vote count with three candidates {A,B,C}:


In this case, B is preferred to A by 12 votes to 8, and B is preferred to C by 13 to 7, hence B is preferred to both A and C. So according to common sense and the Condorcet criteria, B should win. But under IRV, B does not win. According to the rules of IRV, B is ranked first by the fewest voters and is eliminated. Again, an election method that allows such nonsensical anomalies should be rejected. (See The Problem with IRV.)

Generalized Condorcet Criterion (GCC)


A sincere vote is one with no falsified preferences or preferences left unspecified when the election method allows them to be specified (in addition to the preferences already specified).

One candidate is preferred over another candidate if, in a one-on-one competition, more voters prefer the first candidate than prefer the other candidate.

The Smith set is the smallest set of candidates such that every member of the set is preferred to every candidate not in the set. If the Smith set consists of only one candidate, that candidate is the Ideal Democratic Winner (IDW).

Statement of Criterion

If all votes are sincere, the winner should be a member of the Smith set.

Complying Methods

The Condorcet method complies with the Generalized Condorcet Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


GCC generalizes the Condorcet Criterion (CC) to the case in which no Ideal Democratic Winner (IDW) exists, thereby covering all possible cases. If no IDW exists, then a cyclical ambiguity exists among the members of the Smith set, and that ambiguity must be resolved in such a way that the winner comes from that set. The commentary for CC above applies here also.

Strategy-Free Criterion (SFC)


A sincere vote is one with no falsified preferences or preferences left unspecified when the election method allows them to be specified (in addition to the preferences already specified).

One candidate is preferred over another candidate if, in a one-on-one competition, more voters prefer the first candidate than prefer the other candidate.

If one candidate is preferred over each of the other candidates, that candidate is the Ideal Democratic Winner (IDW).

Statement of Criterion

If an Ideal Democratic Winner (IDW) exists, and if a majority prefers the IDW to another candidate, then the other candidate should not win if that majority votes sincerely and no other voter falsifies any preferences.

Complying Methods

The Condorcet method complies with the Strategy-Free Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


The reader may be wondering how the IDW, if one exists, could possibly not be preferred by a majority of voters over any other candidate. The key is that some voters may have no preference between a given pair of candidates. Out of 100 voters, for example, 45 could prefer the IDW over another particular candidate, and 40 could prefer the opposite, with the other 15 having no preference between the two. In that case, it is not true that a majority of voters prefer the IDW over the other candidate, and SFC does not apply.

In order to understand SFC, one must also understand that there are two types of insincere votes: false preferences and truncated preferences. Voters truncate by terminating their rank list before their true preferences are fully specified (note that the last choice is always implied, so leaving it out is not considered truncation). Voters falsify their preferences, on the other hand, by reversing the order of their true preferences or by specifying a preference they don't really have. Suppose, for example, that a voter's true preferences are (A,B,C,D). The vote (A) or (A,B) would be a truncated vote, and the vote (B,A,C) or (A,C,B) would be a falsified vote.

SFC requires that the majority of voters who prefer the IDW to another particular candidate vote sincerely (neither falsify nor truncate their preferences), and it also requires that no other voter falsifies preferences. SFC therefore implies that the minority that does not prefer the IDW to the other candidate cannot cause the other candidate to win by truncating their preferences. (In theory, that minority could cause the other candidate to win by falsifying their preferences, but that would be a very risky offensive strategy that is more likely to backfire than to succeed.) The significance of the SFC guarantee is that the majority has no need for defensive strategy, hence the name Strategy-Free Criterion.

The Condorcet election method was shown to comply with both the Condorcet and Generalized Condorcet Criteria (CC and GCC) above. Although compliance with CC and GCC are important, those criteria apply only in the theoretically ideal case in which all votes are sincere. The Strategy-Free criterion goes further and shows that, under certain reasonable conditions, a majority of voters have no incentive to vote insincerely. The fact that the Condorcet also complies with SFC therefore enhances the significance of CC and GCC considerably.

Generalized Strategy-Free Criterion (GSFC)


A sincere vote is one with no falsified preferences or preferences left unspecified when the election method allows them to be specified (in addition to the preferences already specified).

One candidate is preferred over another candidate if, in a one-on-one competition, more voters prefer the first candidate than prefer the other candidate.

The Smith set is the smallest set of candidates such that every member of the set is preferred to every candidate not in the set. If the Smith set consists of only one candidate, that candidate is the Ideal Democratic Winner (IDW).

Statement of Criterion

If a majority prefers a member of the Smith set to another candidate who is not in the Smith set, then the other candidate should not win if that majority votes sincerely and no other voter falsifies any preferences.

Complying Methods

The Condorcet method complies with the Generalized Strategy-Free Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


GSFC generalizes the Strategy-Free Criterion (SFC) to the case in which no Ideal Democratic winner (IDW) exists, thereby covering all possible cases. If no IDW exists, then a cyclical ambiguity exists among the members of the Smith set and must be resolved. The commentary for SFC above applies here also.

Strong Defensive Strategy Criterion (SDSC)

Statement of Criterion

If a majority prefers one particular candidate to another, then they should have a way of voting that will ensure that the other cannot win, without any member of that majority reversing a preference for one candidate over another or falsely voting two candidates equal.

Complying Methods

The Condorcet method complies with the Strong Defensive Strategy Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


Compliance with SDSC means that a majority never needs any more than truncation strategy to defeat a particular candidate, even when countering offensive order reversal by that candidate's voters. Offensive order reversal is the only strategy that can create the need for defensive strategy in a Condorcet voting system.

Weak Defensive Strategy Criterion (WDSC)

Statement of Criterion

If a majority prefers one particular candidate to another, then they should have a way of voting that will ensure that the other cannot win, without any member of that majority reversing a preference for one candidate over another.

Complying Methods

The Condorcet and Approval methods comply with the Weak Defensive Strategy Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


WDSC is identical to the Strong Defensive Strategy Criterion (SDSC), except that the phrase "or falsely voting two candidates equal" is removed from the end. That difference allows the Approval method to comply.

Favorite Betrayal Criterion (FBC)

Statement of Criterion

By voting another candidate over his favorite, a voter should never get a result that he considers preferable to every result he could get without doing so.

Complying Methods

The Approval method complies with the Favorite Betrayal Criterion, but none of the other methods in the compliance table above comply.


Election methods that meet this criterion provide no incentive for voters to betray their favorite candidate by voting another candidate over him. FBC is the only criteria that favors Approval over Condorcet. In fact, it is the only criteria that favors any of the methods listed in Table 1 over Condorcet. Although Condorcet technically fails to comply with FBC, the probability is very small that a voter can cause a preferable result by not voting for his or her favorite in a Condorcet system.

Summability Criterion (SC)

Statement of Criterion

Each vote should map onto a summable array, where the summation operation is associative and commutative, and the winner should be determined from the array sum for all votes cast.

Complying Methods

All of the methods in the compliance table above comply with the summability criterion except Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).


The summability criterion is the only criteria discussed on this webpage that addresses implementation logistics. Election methods that comply with the summability criterion are substantially easier to implement with integrity than those that do not. All the election methods listed in Table 1 comply except Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).

In plurality voting, each vote is equivalent to a one-dimensional array with a 1 in the element for the selected candidate, and a 0 for each of the other candidates. The sum of the arrays for all the votes cast is simply a list of vote counts for each candidate.

Approval voting is the same as plurality voting except that more than one candidate can get a 1 in the array for each vote. Each of the selected or "approved" candidates gets a 1, and the others get a 0.

In Condorcet voting, each vote is equivalent to a two-dimensional array referred to as a pairwise matrix. If candidate A is ranked above candidate B, then the element in the A row and B column gets a 1, while the element in the B row and A column gets a 0. The pairwise matrices for all the votes are summed, and the winner is determined from the resulting pairwise matrix sum.

IRV does not comply with the summability criterion. In the IRV system, a count can be maintained of identical votes, but votes do not correspond to a summable array. The total possible number of unique votes grows factorially with the number of candidates. The larger the number of candidates, the more error-prone and less practical it becomes to maintain counts of each possible unique vote. It becomes impractical with more than about six candidates.

Suppose, for example, that the number of candidates is ten. In our current plurality system, the votes at any level (precinct, county, state, or national) can be compressed into a list of ten numbers. The same is true for an Approval system. For a Condorcet system, a 10x10 matrix is needed. In an IRV system, however, the number of possible unique votes is over ten factorial -- a huge number.

Under IRV, therefore, every individual vote (rank list) must be available at a central location to determine the winner. In a major public election, that could be millions or even tens of millions of votes. The votes cannot be compressed by summing as in other election methods because votes may need to be transferred according to which candidates are eliminated in each round.

IRV therefore requires far more data transfer and storage than the other methods. Modern networking and computer technology can handle it, but that is beside the point. The biggest challenge in using computers for public elections will always be security and integrity. If many thousands of times more data needs to be transferred and stored, verification becomes more difficult and the potential for fraudulent tampering becomes substantially greater.

To illustrate this point, consider the verification of a vote tally for a national office. In our current plurality system, each precinct verifies its vote count. The counts for each precinct in a county can then be added to determine the county totals, and anyone with a calculator or computer can verify that the totals are correct. The same process is then repeated at the state level and the national level.

The point is that once the votes are verified at the lowest (precinct) level, the numbers are available to anyone for independent verification, and election officials could never get away with "fudging" the numbers. At the lowest level, ballot problems such as "hanging chads" could be a problem, but adding the vote counts will certainly not be a problem. And this applies not only to conventional plurality elections, it applies also to Condorcet, Approval, and even Borda -- but not IRV

In an IRV election, the voting data cannot be "compressed" by adding the vote totals together at each level, so verification of the tally results becomes nearly impossible. The final result depends on all the votes, but even if the individual votes are all counted correctly, nobody can verify that the total pool of votes has not been tampered with at some level of the tallying process. And with IRV's erratic properties, someone could lower the rankings of a candidate to make him win or raise the rankings of a candidate to make him lose. It's a prescription for disaster and voter cynicism.

If IRV were superior otherwise, then its failure to comply with the summability criterion might be excusable. But IRV has been shown to fail with respect to every one of the criteria listed, including such basic criteria as monotonicity. To accept the additional security risks that IRV poses would therefore be the epitome of folly.