Puzzles range from "easy" to "so hard nobody can currently solve them" (i.e. "open"); we've taken pity on you by giving a very-subjective "difficulty level" from [0] to [9]. If you can solve one of the open [9] problems please let warren.wds at gmail.com know! [You can also contribute new puzzles to him...]
For terminology, it may help to consult our glossary. "Range Voting" will generally mean "continuum range voting" and not range voting with scores restricted to the discrete set {0,1,...,99} for mathematical analysis purposes. (Return to main page. Puzzle answers only available to those who know the password, i.e, CRV members! Join CRV)
#0 (Voting power – ultra-easy speed problem)[0]
#1: The minimum it takes to elect US president[1]
#2: Small elections in which many voting systems all disagree[5]
#3 (interesting – easy once you see it, otherwise hard!)[4]
#4: Non-monotonicity probabilities in IRV voting[6]
#5 (open Now solved! – voting systems obeying both ICC and AFB)[7]
#6: Dice[2]
#7: Probabilities of "Condorcet cycles."
#8: Probabilities of Favorite-Betrayal Lesser-Evil scenarios with Condorcet voting in 3-candidate elections with equal rankings permitted
#9 (open Now solved! – voting systems in which semi-honest voting is strategic)
#10 (cake cutting)
#11 (pie-style cake cutting)
#12 (cutting of 2-dimensional cakes)
#13 (range-voting with outlier-discarding)
#14 (mostly open – Social science/economics research. Suggested by Aaron Krowne)
#15 (open Now solved! – multiwinner EP & PR voting systems)
#16 (Raising the mean of both sets by shuffling them – easy)
#17 – Probability of "Peru scenario"[6]
#18 – IRV refuses to elect a candidate who beats every other pairwise by 99:1 margin?
#19 – A situation with random other voters where your strategically best range vote is honest.
#20 – (partly open) How often do "Condorcet cycles" arise in real elections with rank-order ballots? Give some prominent real historical examples of such elections
#21 – (partly open) how many arcs must be deleted from an n-node directed graph to get rid of all its cycles?
#22 – How bad can Condorcet cycles be? [7]
#23 – Avoiding favorite-betrayal (Chris Benham)
#24 – What is the probability plurality elects the candidate a majority least-likes?
#25 – Pancyclicity[6]
#26 – Super-bad tournaments[5]
#27 – A quantity like the "Ramsey numbers" but defined for directed rather than undirected graphs.
#28 – How many votes suffice to create any "tournament" configuration?[8]
#29 – Team comparisons. [2]
#30 – Election where Borda and Approval voting maximally disagree. [2]
#31 – Election where Borda reverses [2]
#32 – The "Three Stooges voting problem" (Alan Frieze)
#33 – Wisest allocation of vote-weights
#34 – How much ignoring does Instant Runoff Voting do?
#35 – Gerrymandering cancellation theorem
#36: Additive utilities
#37: Additive utilities II
#38: NonAdditive utilities
#39: Utility=Log(Wealth)?
#40: Feel alike ⇒ vote same?
#41: Invisibly Corrupted Computer Programs.
#42: Probability of Condorcet cycle
#43: Approval voting strategy most likely to elect Condorcet winner
#44: Shannon Utility Honesty property
#45: (Open) Min-Max matrix product
#46: Probability of unclear election winners
#47: "Vote for N" leading to unclear election winners
#48: How many votes to count to get confidence?
#49: Machievellian Agenda Manipulation
#50: How many checks to get confidence?
#51: Getting true (not fake) randomness
#52: How many votes to count to get 100% certainty of winner?
#53: Districting is unavoidably "chaotic"
#54: Better than average
#55: How often is voting honestly worse than not voting with Instant Runoff Voting?
#56: How often is voting honestly worse than not voting (with Condorcet)?
#57: How often is dishonesty better strategy than honesty with IRV?
#58: Gerrymandering
#59: Gerrymandering "Squareland"
#60: Range and Approval as "universal" voting systems
#61: Voting system "stability" (S.J.Brams)
#62: How often is dishonesty better strategy than honesty with Condorcet?
#63: Optimal size for a legislature [2]
#63: Optimal size for a legislature
#64: Expected number of votes counted before certain [6]
#64: Expected number of votes counted before certain
#65: Partitioning squareland into some nice patterns [4]
#65: Partitioning squareland into some nice patterns
#66: Optimal Districting – least cutting [8]
#66: Optimal Districting – least cutting
#67: Dice can do damned near anything? [7]
#67: Dice can do damned near anything?
#68: A random person [3]
#68: A random person
#69: Optimal way to form a "coalition" [3]
#69: Optimal way to form a "coalition"
#70: "Marriages" and "Capitalism." [5]
#70: "Marriages" and "Capitalism."
#71: The impossibility of districting into squares & triangles [6]
#71: The impossibility of districting into squares & triangles
#72: Coloring districts [6]
#72: Coloring districts
#73: Manipulation of most reasonable voting methods is easy [6]
#73: Manipulation of most reasonable voting methods is easy
#74: How bad can "Shortest Splitline" districts be? [4]
#74: How bad can "Shortest Splitline" districts be?
#75: Monty Hall problem (famously tricky probability puzzle) [2]
#75: Monty Hall problem (famously tricky probability puzzle)
#76: Monarch family lines [3]
#77: Learning how to play games [8]
#78: Florida counties' biased enforcement of rules for overseas ballots in 2000 [4]
#79: Biased purging in Ohio 2004 [3]
#80: Biased Voter turnout in Lucas County Ohio 2004 [3]
#81: Hierarchical government [5]
#82: Proxies and cycles [7]
#83: Zero-info honesty [5]
#84: Optimum districting longer for larger country? [1]
#85: Condorcet cycle probability (Dirichlet model)? [5]
#86: Copeland is comparatively good with strategic voters? [5]
#87 Generalized "Monty Hall" probability puzzles [2]
#88 "Optimum" voting system maximizing chance of Condorcet winner [8]
#89 Probability of Majority-top winner in Dirichlet election [4]
#90 Burial works in Condorcet voting [3]
#91 Number of count-types to publicize [3]
#92 Permit cycles in Condorcet ballots? [3]
#93 Supermajorities [6]
#94: The "YN model" – a simple voting model [7]
#95 The "random YN model" [8]
#96 Human "happiness" and Darwinian evolution [2]
#97 "Allais Paradox" for utilities [2]
#98 Random Sampling of a Subset [4]
#99 Efficient generation of correct "random election" pair-margins matrices [6]
#100 Copeland Tie Probability and Behavior [6]
#101 Weighted sampling [4]