(Executive Summary) (Return to main page)
Well, first of all, what is a "Condorcet method"?
There are two possible answers. With the first definition of "Condorcet method," range voting is Condorcet, in which case debate over – issue moot.
First definition: A "Condorcet method" is any voting method that obeys the "Condorcet property" that it always elects a "beats-all-winner" if one exists. A "beats-all-winner" is a candidate who would beat every other candidate in the two-choice head-to-head election got by erasing every other candidate from all votes.
Well, according to that definition, Range Voting is a Condorcet method, since if you erase all candidates and all numerical votes for them in all range votes – except for two candidates A and B – then A will beat B in the resulting 2-choice range election if and only if A beat B in the original election. Because erasing the votes for the others has no effect on A and B's individual totals.
Therefore we shall concentrate on this different second definition from now on:
(quibbles about this)
A "Condorcet-winner"
is a candidate who would beat every other candidate in a two-choice
head-to-head election
with every other candidate killed, and the voters now get to re-vote on
just the two live candidates
knowing that the other candidates are now dead (but remaining consistent in
the sense they never reverse a previously-stated
preference relation "A>B" if A and B are the two live candidates).
Now a "Condorcet method" is any voting method that
always elects a "Condorcet-winner" if one exists.
The two definitions actually are the same if we only are considering methods that take as input votes that are exactly rank-orderings of all the candidates such as "A>C>B>D>E" in a 5-candidate election among {A,B,C,D,E}. Condorcet had not considered methods with more expressive kinds of votes than just a rank ordering (such as range voting where you can express different intensities of preferences, not just the bare fact you prefer A over B) hence the distinction between these two definitions did not arise as an issue in his mind.
The reason this slight definitional change makes a difference is because a range voter who had originally voted A=56, B=57, could (and we assume would) now in the new shrunk 2-choice election change that vote to A=0, B=99. So with the new definition, range voting is not a Condorcet method.
"Free the slaves" example illustrating the fact range is not Condorcet: Consider a multi-option range voting election in which two of the choices were
Remark: This example also illustrates the fact that obeying the traditional definition of the Condorcet property is not necessarily always good! This is an example of the "tyranny of the majority" where a majority of voters who prefer something by a little, cause immense harm to a minority of voters who prefer the opposite by a lot. Although range voting can still cause tyranny of the majority, it at least offers the hope – if enough voters choose to be honest about the situation – of escaping from it. With Condorcet methods, there simply is no hope for such escape.
Although range voting is not one of them, there are many known Condorcet methods that do obey this second definition. They vary from "more complicated to describe than range voting" to "way more complicated to describe than range voting." (If you don't believe me, try writing a computer program to do both. The range voting program will be shorter.) The first such method was invented by Condorcet himself in 1785. One of the latest and greatest such methods is Markus Schulze's beatpath method, invented in 1997, and my own "maxtree method" which still has not been published as of 2005.
The fact that all Condorcet methods are more complicated to describe than range voting, is a bad thing. But aside from the issue of complexity, we want to know –
That depends how you measure "better." First, measured by the "Bayesian regret" yardstick, range voting is robustly better than every Condorcet method so far tested, both for honest voters and especially for strategically-exaggerating voters. (To me, that says it all and we need not go further. But some people, oddly, remain unconvinced, so we shall go further!)
Second, yes, obeying the "elects Condorcet-winner if exists" property, sounds good, at first. But unfortunately it is known to automatically cause the voting system to disobey a lot of properties which also sound good! Once you realize these non-obvious logical implications, then you realize that Condorcet's property isn't as "good" as it sounds. Four examples:
Another problem with Condorcet methods – especially the more complicated ones in which your vote is allowed to be a partial ordering and/or is is allowed to express optional equalities (e.g. a vote in such a system might be "A>B=C>D=E>F, G>C") – is: you can't run them on most voting machines in use today. You'd need to design and build new kinds of voting machines. (And the Condorcet methods that allow equalities or partial orderings are even more complicated to describe than the ones that just accept ordinary full rank-orderings with equalities disallowed!)
So the question is: do you consider all these disadvantages to outweigh the advantage of obeying Condorcet's property? If you do, then Condorcet methods are not for you.
If we, striving for simplicity, demand voters produce full rank orderings, and disallow partial orderings, then all Condorcet methods have the severe disadvantage that they do not allow a voter to express ignorance. In a large election like the 2003 California Governor Recall election with 135 candidates, a Condorcet voter would be forced to provide a full rank ordering of all 135 candidates. Meanwhile, a range voter could just rate the candidates he understands, and then conveniently say "leave the rest blank" or "make the rest all have score S, where S=32 (or whatever other common value that voter prefers)."
Most people, in an election like Bush v Gore v Nader 2000, exaggerate their good and bad opinions of Bush and Gore by artificially ranking them first and last, even if they truly feel Nader is best or worst. They do this in order to give their vote the "maximum possible impact" so it is not "wasted." Once they make this decision, with any Condorcet method based on rank-orderings as votes (with equalities disallowed) Nader automatically must go in the middle slot, they have no choice about him. If all voters behave this way, then automatically the winner will be either Bush or Gore. Nader can never win a 3-way Condorcet election with this kind of strategic voters. (Unless it is an exact 3-way tie and the tie-break goes Nader's way, which'll never happen in reality.)
In every Condorcet method based on full rank-orderings as votes, in this scenario this kind of exaggeration is the only strategically-effective vote. There was once some hope that by going to Condorcet methods not demanding full rank orderings – i.e. permitting rank-equalities – and based on "winning votes" rather than "margins," such exaggeration would no longer be strategically useful. However, this example nixed that hope.
Meanwhile, in range voting, if the voters exaggerate and give Gore=99 and Bush=0 (or the reverse) in order to get maximum impact and not waste their vote, then they are still free to give the third-party candidate Nader 99 or 0 or anything in between. Consequently, it would still be entirely possible for a third-party candidate such as Nader to win with range, and without need of any kind of tie. In range voting, exaggerating the major-party candidates A and B to pretend A>C>B (when you really think C>A>B in a 3-candidate election) is never best strategy.
In view of this, third parties would be silly to push any Condorcet method that uses candidate orderings (with equalities disallowed) as votes. They should advocate range.
Think this kind of strategic thinking won't matter much? Wrong:
Counterintuitively, we can prove that under reasonable assumptions Approval and Condorcet voting actually are not in conflict (no-conflict theorem) and it is plausible that approval voting will actually be more likely in practice to elect honest-voter Condorcet winners, than "official" Condorcet methods!
And because strategic range voters generally vote approval-style, the same would be true of range voting elections with strategic voters. In other words:
Herve Moulin: Condorcet's Principle Implies the No Show Paradox, J. Economic Theory 45 (1988) 53-64.
Joaquin Perez: The Strong No Show Paradoxes are a common flaw in Condorcet voting correspondences, Social Choice & Welfare 18 (2001) 601-616.
Markus Schulze: A New Monotonic and Clone-Independent Single-Winner Election Method, Voting Matters 17 (Oct. 2003) 9-19. (Later expanded version available from Schulze.)
Warren D. Smith: The voting impossibilities of Arrow, Gibbard & Satterthwaite, and Young, (survey) paper #79 here.
H.P.Young: Condorcet's theory of voting, American Political Science Review 82 (1988) 1231-1244.