Evil "Vote Counting" Programs

If only all code for voting machines were open source, then cheating evil vote-counting programs would be impossible. Right?

To find out, Daniel Horn funded a programming contest in 2009. Here are 3 vote-counting programs in the "C" language. The first is the allegedly-correct program by Horn himself, intended simply as a baseline to show the contestants what their programs ought to do. (Actually, Horn's program isn't really correct... how many problems with it do you see?)

/**** Daniel Horn's   Vote Counter Demo Program in C language.
Rules: Contest entry programs must be written in C, C++ or D (with gcc backend, on x86), 
and must compile with gcc-2.95.3 (debian stable x86), gcc-3.3.x (debian unstable, x86) or 
gcc-3.4 (debian stable x86), or it may compile on gcc-3.1 or gcc-3.3 on Mac OS X. 
Your program may not reference libraries outside of the standard C library (or phobos for D).
    Your program must input a string of characters. 
Characters that result in isspace() returning true are blank or ballots with pregnant chads 
and will not be counted.
Character 'K' (capital only) counts as a vote for Kerry,
Character 'B' (capital only) counts as a vote for Bush
Character 'N' (capital only) counts as a vote for Nader
Other characters are tallied in the 'Other' column.
   The output must have the candidate's last name (or Other for votes not belonging to 
the candidate) a colon, a space, then a count, and a newline for each candidate in 
the order listed above.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main(){
  int Input;
  unsigned long total=0;
  unsigned long Tally[256]={0}; 
  while( (Input=getchar())!=EOF ){
    unsigned char Vote=Input;
    if( !isspace(Vote) ){
      Tally[Input] += 1;
      total += 1;
  printf("Kerry %d\n",Tally['K']);
  printf("Bush %d\n",Tally['B']);
  printf("Nader %d\n",Tally['N']);
  printf("Other %d\n",total-Tally['K']-Tally['B']-Tally['N']);
  return 0;

Next is a program by Paul A. Parkanzky. On November 1 the votes are counted correctly. On November 2 the total is correct, but one candidate magically obtains extra votes at another's expense...:

/*** Author: Paul A. Parkanzky (firstname.lastname@gmail.com)
 * "I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral 
 *                       votes to the president next year"
 *     -- Walden W. O'Dell (CEO of Diebold, Inc)
 * Works with gcc3.2 on x86 SuSE, gcc3.3 on x86 Gentoo and gcc3.2 on x86 Redhat.
 * Does not work with gcc2.95 on x86 NetBSD or sparc FreeBSD. 
 * I haven't tried it on any other compiler/OS combinations.  ****/

void printResults(unsigned int *);
void paperTrail(char *);
char *getDay();

int main(){
unsigned int Tally[4] = {0};
unsigned char Other;
unsigned char Nader;
unsigned char Bush;
unsigned char Kerry;
char LogMesg[11] = {0};
int Input;
char *day;
day = getDay();

Bush = 0;
Kerry = 1;
Nader = 2;
Other = 3; 

unsigned char Vote=Input;

/* Log to paper receipt */
sprintf (LogMesg,"LOG VOTE: November %s %c\n",day,Vote);

/* Add 1 */
if (!isspace(Vote)){
switch (Vote) {
case 'B':
case 'K':
case 'N':

return 0;

/*** This gets a day string for the paper trail log message.
 * ("first","second","third" or "ith")   ***/
char *getDay(){
char *retVal;
time_t now_time;
struct tm *now;
now_time = time(NULL);
now = localtime(&now_time);
        if (now->tm_mday == 1) {
                retVal = "first";
        } else if (now->tm_mday == 2) { 
                retVal = "second";      
        } else if (now->tm_mday  == 3) {
                retVal = "third";
        } else {
                retVal = (char *)malloc(7);
return retVal;

/**** Print the results: ****/
void printResults(unsigned int *Tally) {
unsigned char Bush = 0;
unsigned char Kerry = 1;
unsigned char Nader = 2;
unsigned char Other = 3;
printf("Kerry: %d\n",Tally[Kerry]);
printf("Bush: %d\n",Tally[Bush]);
printf("Nader: %d\n",Tally[Nader]);
printf("Other: %d\n",Tally[Other]);

/***  This will print a log of the vote to a paper receipt when 
 * the supporting hardware is added.  ****/
void paperTrail(char *mesg){
/* Log to paper trail for extra legitimacy! */

And here is one by Michal Zalewski. Guess what it does?

/* ------------------------------------ 
 * Bullet-Proof Extensible Vote Counter
 * ------------------------------------
 * In response to Daniel Horn's abominable, sick and twisted idea of running
 * a contest for programs that skew election results, I decided to counter 
 * his efforts by providing this program that not only counts votes perfectly
 * well, but also goes great lengths to verify data integrity in case of 
 * unforseen flaws or tampering attempts.
 *    I did not rely on his proposed vote counting framework, noting that
 * first and foremost, it could be already backdoored, and second, that
 * it does not scale well.
 *   -- Michal Zalewski  *******/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>

/* Error reporting macro */
#define fatal(x) do { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",x); exit(1); } while (0)

#define CHECK_INTERVAL10     /* How often to check database? */
#define VOTE_LIMIT      300000000    /* Maximum number of votes possible */

/* Candidates and vote count. Can be extended and modified at will.
   The last entry should be NULL, reserved for "other". */
struct candidate { char* name; unsigned int votes; } tally[] = {
  { "Bush" , 0 },
  { "Kerry", 0 },
  { "Nader", 0 },
  {  NULL  , 0 }

/* Total vote count - used to validate individual vote counts. */
unsigned int total = 0;

/* Display all results, including the trailing NULL ("other"). */
void show_results(void) {
  struct candidate* t = tally;
  do printf("%-8s : %u\n", t->name ? t->name : "Other", t->votes);
    while ((t++)->name);

/* Safely count vote. Every CHECK_INTERVAL votes, run a database integrity
   check to detect corrupted vote counts or candidate names; otherwise,
   just count the vote. */
#define VOTE_AND_CHECK(v) do { \
    if (!(total % CHECK_INTERVAL)) { \
      struct candidate* t = tally; \
      unsigned int cur_tot = 0; \
      /* Verify that votes add up to the right count... */ \
      do cur_tot += t->votes; while ((t++)->name); \
      if (cur_tot != total) fatal("Vote count tampering!"); \
      /* Go back through entries and verify every name... */ \
      t--; \
      while ((--t) != tally) \
        if (!t->name || !isupper(*t->name)) fatal("Candidate tampering!"); \
      /* Count vote, checking for erratic numbers */ \
      if ((v)++ >= VOTE_LIMIT) fatal("Too many voters!"); \
    } else (v)++; \
    total++; \
  } while (0)

/* Add one vote for candidate whose initial is given by c. If no
   matching candidate found, account as "other". */
void process_vote(unsigned char c) {
  struct candidate* t = tally;
  while (t->name) {
    if (t->name[0] == c) { 

/* Run the elections! */
int main(int argc,char** argv) {
  int c;
  /* Read and process votes */
  while ((c=getchar()) != EOF) 
    if (!isspace(c)) process_vote(c);
  /* And the winner is... */
  return 0;

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