By Warren D. Smith, 19 June 2013, PRELIMINARY
Here is one formulation. There are probably other interesting formulations.
MONETIZATION IMPOSSIBILITY THEOREM I: ("I" since there undoubtably are others...)
MAIN CLAIM: No monetized voting system obeying assumptions 1-8 can exist.
LEMMA A: each voter's max-expected-profit vote must include (in some form) her honest value for each candidate. Because: if even a single voter omitted or altered that info, then the other voters by assumption 3 could not supply or correct it, and by assumption 4 the voting system therefore could not know or use it to influence its choice of winner, which could then be the wrong choice (not maximizing summed value) thus violating assumption 7 (because even a single changed score always can be enough to alter the identity of the optimal candidate).
LEMMA B: given lemma A, the voting system in assumption 4 must simply elect the max-summed-score winner (ignoring all other "auxiliary" information, if any, present in the ballots besides the candidate-scores), Because: otherwise there would be a violation of assumption 7.
DEFINITION: "Randomly altered ballot" shall mean the voter's C scores (for the C candidates) will be permuted acccording to a random permutation (all C! permutations equally likely).
For the rest of the proof I shall assume C=2 candidates. (Since I am proving impossibility, all I need is to set up even one counterexample situation. So I choose a situation that is easy to analyse.) Then we need only use the score-differences between the two candidates to assess who wins, and we may wlog call the candidates "yes" and "no." Further, I shall assume each voter's honest money-value-difference (for yes minus no) is either {-√3, -1, +1, +√3} dollars, selected for each voter with independent probabilities (1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) each.
LEMMA C: given lemmas A & B, the pricing must wlog depend only on the scores and not on the auxilary information (which is unused for winner-selection purposes, hence wlog is unused for price purposes too).
In our scenario, by central limit theorem in the limit V→∞ we get a probability distribution which is asymptotically normal with variance=2V and mean=0 for the score-sum. This causes the chance your ballot's honest score U will swing the election to be asymptotic to (U/2)(πV)-1/2. Now there are 8 numerically possible payments (depending on your 4 possible honest scores and 2 possible winners: 8=4·2).
What are these 8 fixed (and published, by assumption 5) numbers? (Incidentally, re assumption 5 allowing dependence on random bits, that will not matter because we shall only need to consider the expected payments, which due to summation over all configurationsof the random bits, are deterministic.) Whatever they are, they must satisfy certain linear inequalities which say that your max-expected-profit vote, is unique and always is your honest score (assumption 6). Also, by assumption 8 they must satisfy the inequality that two among these 8 numbers must differ by at least a positive constant, even when V→∞. The collection of these linear inequalities is called a "linear program." It now is mechanical ("solving the linear program") to verify that our particular linear program has no solution ("infeasible") once V is great enough.
This also can be understood directly: if the price-penalty were too small for exaggerating ±1 to ±√3, then voters would do it; but if it were too large then honest-√3 voters would pretend their value were 1. The allowed penalties thus fall within a range which width is proportional to V-1/2. But that contradicts the demand that two such penalties must differ by at least a positive constant even when V is made arbitrarily large. You could try to evade that by making the +1 and +√3 penalties be close, and the the -1 and -√3 penalties be close, but these two pairs be far apart (further than some positive constant) but then voters would be incentivized to change the sign of their score.
Remarks on the proof:
The net effect of these remarks seems to indicate (but as yet is not a full proof)
CONJECTURED EXTENSION OF IMPOSSIBILITY THEOREM(?): Indeed, it is not even possible to weaken assumptions 7 & 8 to only demand "ε-approximate" optimality (while perhaps also weakening assumption 6). Specifically, assuming the "noise" is adversarially chosen, then it is not possible for any monetized voting scheme to force the expected regret ("regret" meaning the difference between the max possible summed honest money values for any winner, minus that sum for the actual winner) to be less than some positive constant times the sum of all honest money |value|s for both candidates (in the probabilistic election scenario constructed in the proof).